Plastic-free bathroom with essences made from powder and tap water
The bathroom is the place where a particularly large number of plastic tubes, brushes of all kinds, cans and bottles accumulate. The plastic waste could be avoided: shampoos and shower gels consist mainly of water and can just as easily be replaced by soap or solid shampoo bars.
Almost Fair Fashion…: How Mandy Geddert uses elastic bands to make sustainable fashion even more sustainable
The eco-rubber band, like the entire fair fashion movement, is still literally in its infancy. Soon, however, it will be used in many industries and may eventually replace the conventional synthetic rubber band.
Lofoten Seaweed: Future Food from the Ocean
Algae, seaweed and sea grass are healthy and have been on the menu of people who live on the seaside for centuries. Now, the startup Lofoten Seaweed mixes old knowledge with innovation and processes the aquatic plants into a superfood for the kitchen of the future.
Confetti with good climate impact
With seed confetti he provides colorful flowers and happy bees. A very nice, rare throwaway product from the Circular Economy.
Hattvika Lodge: Conscious tourism in the heart of Lofoten islands
Sustainable, conscious tourism is more than ever important for travelers and hosts alike. This is especially the case, when the destination symbolizes nature in its purest form, as it does at Lofoten archipelago.
Your Loving Nature – natural cosmetics for hair care
Marion Garz is a pioneer for natural ingredients in hair care with her brand Your Loving Nature. She shows that both is possible: zerowaste in the bathroom and natural cosmetics for hair. Read her founding story at Eco Twin.
Back (in)to Nature – microadventures bridge the gap
Nature has a healthy effect on our well-being. You just have to escape the daily routine for a moment. Five tips for micro adventures that can help you with it.
Seed confetti cooperates with Bracenet
The sea is full of ghost nets. These are nets that have been lost in fisheries for various reasons and have been floating in our oceans ever since. They are plastic waste. And they continue to catch all kinds of marine animals – only no one ever collects the nets any more. The animals die [&he
Eco Twin is growing! New to the team are…
Saatgutkonfetti - Seed confetti - is confetti that contains seeds, i.e. plant seeds. When it falls to the ground, flowers grow. With seed confetti, the founding team wants to support biodiversity and do something against insect mortality. Saatgutkonfetti is one of our lovebrands. Just throw confetti
Seed confetti is confetti that contains seeds, i.e. plant seeds. When it falls to the ground, flowers grow.